On a 50 week journey of self optimization…
Join me this year in tackling a new challenge or habit every two weeks.
In 2023, I wanted to push myself to operate differently. Force myself to stick with new things, decide what habits I want to keep and what I want to shed + track the journey on social for accountability.

I am embarking on a self optimization experiment with the goal of creating a new operating system for my life.
It’s not that I don’t love my current life, I definitely do. But deep down, I know I can be better and I can achieve more. Which is what led me to follow through on this wild idea I got on Jan. 4 2023.
I will be documenting the journey. (mostly on YouTube + TikTok)
You can join me at anytime — we are doing something new every 14 days. (scroll down for the agenda)
Throughout the journey I will review each challenge fully + at the end of the 50 weeks, I will report back on the habits I am keeping and what I am officially leaving behind.
I’ve spent countless weeks, hours, and days doing things the wrong way (and sometimes the right way.) I’ve tried every app + software under the sun to help optimize my productivity + life oftentimes to be left frustrated by tech overdose, or overspending on way too many things that I was under utilizing or didn’t really need.
This year I wanted to push myself to create a stronger framework for where I spend my time, direct my thoughts and utilize my money. I want to try new things, develop new habits, shed old and see what I want to keep around. Basically, I want to shake up my life. (at 34 I feel like a bit of a creature of habit - snoooooze)
So my personal goal through this experiment is to live my highest quality life, packed with awesome habits, solid mindsets and the ability to hold myself accountable to do hard or new things.
I’m Leila.
As a successful business owner for the last 12 years....


Follow Along or Join In
Every week I will be sharing videos on Instagram and TikTok to talk about how I am progressing through my journey towards an optimized life and self.
Every 14 days I will have a new challenge so no matter when you’re finding me, you can always join in. (and its free to do so)
So how can we make the most of every moment while maximizing enjoyment + being good to our minds, bodies and souls? Let’s find out.
The Journey On Paper
We all need support when making changes, trying new things, & holding ourselves accountable.
Which is why I created a super inclusive productivity + habit journal.
It covers everything from…daily & weekly planning, health, manifestations, business processes, finance, travel planning, time management, mood tracking + so much more.
The cool part: you get it all, you pick what you want to use, you leave the rest for later.
I designed this to be as useful and comprehensive as possible.
Oh and it’s undated so you can start at anytime.
Every two weeks I will embark on something new, while I have a list of 25 challenges/habit shifts — I might end up changing/editing/adding etc as we progress.
The requirements: Journal every single day 5 manifestations in my journal + say them out loud
Challenge 2: 1/29/23 - READ/LISTEN TO 7 BOOKS IN 14 DAYS - COMPLETED
The requirements: Announce all 7 books in advance. Do a video review of each book + my #1 takeaway from each.
The requirements: sit-up challenge > a before photo, a mid way photo, an after photo and 2 minutes of meditation everyday.
+ Optional productivity hack challenge >> write down your to-do list, prioritize 1-10, set a timer to complete 1-5, anything that isn’t done move to the next day. Daily goals of checking EVERYTHING off that list and getting it done in a shorter time block.
Challenge 4: 2/26/23 - KILLING LIMITING BELIEFS + COMPLETE THE SUNFARE FAT BURN DIET (for more info on this, click here) -COMPLETED
The requirements: Everyday we identity a limiting belief (ex: I can’t make x amount of $ in six months, I can’t afford to travel to Italy this summer, I can’t get out of debt, etc)
The KEY to killing a limiting belief is 1. IDENTIFYING IT 2. FINDING WHAT TRIGGERS IT 3. AFFIRMING AGAINST IT (the positive affirmation that kills the limiting belief)
The fat burn diet requirements: before photos, mid way photo and an after photo. The diet mandates minimal workouts so a slow down on the high intensity workouts. Daily vlogs on the meals + my results + a final review of the program. If Sunfare isn’t available in your area, modify & commit to two weeks of only meal delivered meals that are healthy
The requirements: Tracking my savings each day. Must take the final amount and invest it.
Challenge 6: 3/26/23 - TRY 7 NEW WORKOUTS IN 14 DAYS - COMPLETED
The requirements: A before and after photo, a mix of workouts: can only repeat each workout twice. One free walk day pass (aka you can do 2 walks)
Accountability: via the apple watch. Utilizing ClassPass
Challenge 7: 4/9/23 - Listen to a new podcast episode everyday (no show repeating) - share the show + what you’ve learned on social media
At the end of the challenge -recap your new favorite shows and takeaways - COMPLETED
Challenge 8: 4/23/23 - list a new item on poshmark everyday - cleaning out the closet and creating space for NEW energy and vibrations
Challenge 9: 5/7/23 - shifting into the positive vibes - 14 random acts of kindness - doing something nice and random for someone every single day
Challenge 8 & Beyond: OPTIONS: (I haven’t scheduled these out yet but here’s what I’m thinking…)
no eating out at all
no makeup
no tv whatsoever
no money spent on anything beyond food (business expenses are allowed)
goto bed by 11pm, wake up at 7am
no alcohol or sugar (fruit is OK)
call/ft a friend everyday
journal or blog daily
clean out my inboxes completely (i currently have over 100,000 emails - this is a major commitment)
try 14 things i saw on tiktok
cook 14 meals at home
use my endel app daily to lock in my focus, my zen time and optimize my sleep
10,000 steps a day
giveaway or donate one item daily
dress up everyday (ugh, no athleisure)
final challenge: 14 days of happy - do something every single day that brings immense joy
Catch me every week breaking down where I am at with the current challenge, whats coming next + so much more.